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you have ₮ {{user.credits}}

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You will also get a premium membership.
Contact an admin to donate via paypal
Contact an admin to do a bank transfer
Monero is a digital currency.
Receive credits with a discount
1 credit = ɱ0.0003

Learn more on the official website
You can use the kraken exchange to safely buy monero

no funds received yet received {{addr.credits}} credits for {{addr.funded}} XMR

You can send any amount you want. Any time.

Please allow up to 10min for our system to credit your account after you initiated transfer. Thank you!
Send to the following address and receive credits with a discount
5000 credits for 0.01 BTC.

previous operations:

{{::f.when*1000 | date}} +{{f.credits}} ({{::f.source}})
-{{f.credits}} ({{::f.source||f.from}})